X3D Example Archives: X3D4WA, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 15 Metadata

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Metadata (book with question mark)

Metadata is used to identify the data relevant to X3D scenes and shapes, enabling the possibility of further correlation, discovery and Web-based mashups to occur.

Metadata is about forms of data relating to other data. For example, metadata can provide a variety of information regarding a document such as author, date revised, relevant key words, etc. As another example, metadata might annotate X3D CAD geometry to provide key references such as part numbers, documentation references, inventory links, etc.

Simple name=value paired information can be provided in document <head> and <meta> tags, just like in HTML. Furthermore, typed metadata information can annotate any X3D node, either for use offline or for queries within an active scene graph at run time. X3D metadata nodes include MetadataBoolean, MetadataDouble, MetadataFloat, MetadataInteger, MetadataString, and MetadataSet (a set holder which contains a collection of other X3D Metadata nodes).

The supporting Chapter 15 Metadata Information from X3D for Web Authors is available online via X3dGraphics.com. Also available:

Library card catalogs provide metadata
6 X3D Models                 X3D Model Viewpoint Snapshots

Metadata Node Examples X3D 3.x3d    
[1] MetadataNodeExamplesX3D3.x3d View scene source to see metadata examples
[2] MetadataNodeExamplesX3D3.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Metadata Node Examples X3D 4.x3d    
[3] MetadataNodeExamplesX3D4.x3d View scene source to see metadata examples
[4] MetadataNodeExamplesX3D4.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

World Info Example.x3d    
[5] WorldInfoExample.x3d View scene source to see metadata examples
[6] WorldInfoExample.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

World Info Example Metadata Set X3D 3.x3d    
[7] WorldInfoExampleMetadataSetX3D3.x3d View scene source to see metadata examples
[8] WorldInfoExampleMetadataSetX3D3.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

World Info Example Metadata Set X3D 4.x3d    
[9] WorldInfoExampleMetadataSetX3D4.x3d View scene source to see metadata examples
[10] WorldInfoExampleMetadataSetX3D4.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Xmp Metadata Embedded.x3d    
[11] XmpMetadataEmbedded.x3d View scene source to see metadata examples
[12] XmpMetadataEmbedded.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

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