X3D Example Archives: X3D4WA, X3D for Web Authors, Chapter 14 Prototypes

[1] ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d Front view
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MaterialModulator prototype demonstration       ViewFrustum prototype demonstration

Prototypes let authors define a new X3D node made up of other X3D nodes, extending the language for any scenes in new and interesting ways.

X3D extensibility includes a tremendous capability: authors can create prototype declarations and instances to define new X3D nodes. This is a powerful feature that puts the full power of this graphics language in the hands of Web authors. Prototype templates are themselves built using ProtoDeclare definitions or corresponding ExternProtoDeclare references. ProtoDeclare field definitions are found in the ProtoInterface tag, which can include multiple field declarations that define a name, initial value (if appropriate), accessType (inputOnly, outputOnly, initializeOnly and inputOutput) and type for each field. The IS and connect statements allow an internal field inside the ProtoBody to directly relay values and events via the exposed ProtoInterface field.

The node type of each ProtoDeclare is defined by the first node inside the ProtoBody declaration. Copies of a new node are created by name with ProtoInstance nodes. Default values for ProtoInstance fields can be overridden with fieldValue initializations. A ProtoInstance node can replace any other node in the scene graph having the same node type.

The supporting Chapter 14 slideset and course videos (NPS, YouTube) for X3D for Web Authors are available online via X3dGraphics.com.

Also available: X3D Scene Authoring Hints for Inline Scenes and Prototype Templates and URL Links.

14 X3D Models                 30 X3D Model Viewpoint Snapshots

Art Deco Examples Excerpt.x3d    
[1] ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d Front view
[2] ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d Low Right
[3] ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d Low Left
[4] ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d Back view
[5] ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d Close Front
[6] ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d ArtDeco00
[7] ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d ArtDeco01
[8] ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d ArtDeco02
[9] ArtDecoExamplesExcerpt.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Art Deco Prototypes Excerpt.x3d    
[10] ArtDecoPrototypesExcerpt.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Heads Up Display Example.x3d    
[11] HeadsUpDisplayExample.x3d Heads-up display (HUD)
[12] HeadsUpDisplayExample.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Heads Up Display Prototype.x3d    
[13] HeadsUpDisplayPrototype.x3d Heads-up display (HUD)
[14] HeadsUpDisplayPrototype.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Hud Kelp Forest.x3d    
[15] HudKelpForest.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Material Modulator.x3d    
[16] MaterialModulator.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Material Modulator Examples.x3d    
[17] MaterialModulatorExamples.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Material Modulator Prototype Expanded.x3d    
[18] MaterialModulatorPrototypeExpanded.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Text String Prototype.x3d    
[19] TextStringPrototype.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

View Frustum Example.x3d    
[20] ViewFrustumExample.x3d ViewFrustum from above, looking down
[21] ViewFrustumExample.x3d ViewFrustum from point of view
[22] ViewFrustumExample.x3d ViewFrustum behind point of view
[23] ViewFrustumExample.x3d ViewFrustum oblique side view
[24] ViewFrustumExample.x3d ViewFrustum ViewpointNode
[25] ViewFrustumExample.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

View Frustum Prototype.x3d    
[26] ViewFrustumPrototype.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Where Am IExample.x3d    
[27] WhereAmIExample.x3d WhereAmI prototype test
[28] WhereAmIExample.x3d Viewpoint 2
[29] WhereAmIExample.x3d Viewpoint 3
[30] WhereAmIExample.x3d Viewpoint 4
[31] WhereAmIExample.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Where Am IPrototype.x3d    
[32] WhereAmIPrototype.x3d WhereAmI prototype test
[33] WhereAmIPrototype.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

X3D Architecture Concepts Prototype Body Validation Example.x3d    
[34] X3dArchitectureConceptsPrototypeBodyValidationExample.x3d

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