Package X3dForAdvancedModeling.Scanning

package X3dForAdvancedModeling.Scanning

This chapter explores the use of 3D scanners to produce X3D models.

On 22 July 2016, the Web3D Consortium CAD Working Group held our initial workshop at the Web3D 2016 Conference. Participants explored how to achieve a combined X3D Profile for CAD, 3D Printing and 3D Scanning. Much coordinated work has occurred since then.

The following workshop and VR Hackathon were held as part of the Web3D 2017 Conference on 2-7 June 2017 in Brisbane Australia. Activities included Virtual Banana Scanning with original model (1994) and new model (2017) results posted here.

This X3D4AM Scanning examples archive is online.

The X3D Java Scene Access Interface (x3djsail) package provides concrete classes for each X3D node and statement.

Online: X3D Java Scene Access Interface Library (X3DJSAIL) and X3DJSAIL Javadoc

See Also:
  • Classes
    3D scan of Hamming brick: mesh produced by DotProduct scanner, converted to X3D using Meshlab, and tuned for publication using X3D-Edit.
    Embed example metadata associated with a scanned 3D model using X3D version 3.3 model.
    Embed example metadata associated with a scanned 3D model using X3D version 4.
    Original Cyber Banana model by Mark Pesce and Tony Parisi, SIGGRAPH 1994, used for proposing the Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML).
    Banana scanned at VR Hackathon, Web3D 2017, Brisbane Australia with point cloud reduced by Meshlab using Filters, PointSet, Point Cloud Simplification.
    Banana scanned at VR Hackathon, Web3D 2017, Brisbane Australia with point cloud reduced by Meshlab using Filters, PointSet, Point Cloud Simplification.
    Candidate design pattern for 3D scanner outputs to consistently define the elements of an X3D mesh.