Public Mailing Lists

The Web3D Consortium supports a number of public mailing lists. Anyone may subscribe to any of these mailing lists or access the archives.

By signing up for this public list you aacknowledge and agree that your email address may be visible to the public and through Internet searches.

  • x3d-public is our primary public discussion list on all topics related to authoring and use of Extensible 3D (X3D) Graphics.  Feel free to join!
  • x3d-ecosystem is the primary public discussion list for the X3D Ecosystem Special Interest Group. Feel free to join!
  • heritage is a public discussion list for the Cultural and Natural Heritage working group.
  • medical-public is a public discussion list on all topics relating to medical visualization
  • semantics-public is a public discussion list on all topics relating to X3D Semantic Web topics.
  • www-vrml is a public discussion list on all topics related to Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML97).
  • source mailing list is for Xj3D, jgeom and other open-source software projects sponsored by the Web3D Consortium.

You can stay further informed with our News and Events page, our Calendar, and also via Twitter@Web3dConsortium.

Nearby: Members-only Consortium mailing lists include CAD, Geospatial (X3D Earth), Humanoid Animation (HAnim), Medical, Web3D User Experience (Web3DUX), X3D Semantic Web, and X3D Standards Working Groups.  The mailman site shows all lists.


Mailing list archive links
Mailing Lists Current Mail Archives (April 2009 and later) Original Mail Archives (prior to April 2009)
x3d-public x3d-public mail archives not available
x3d-ecosystem x3d-ecosystem mail archives none, established June 2024
heritage heritage mail archives none, established June 2015.
medical-public medical-public mail archives none, established August 2016.
semantics-public semantics-public mail archives none, established October 2019.
www-vrml www-vrml mail archives not available
source source code mail archives not available
web3d-announce web3d-announce mail archives not available

Archives of all Web3D Consortium mailing lists are carefully maintained. The mail management software was changed on 1 April 2009, resulting in different archive and retrieval systems. Table entries should access the correct version of the archives.

Inactive Lists

There are no inactive public lists.

Subscription Failure

This list is only for members of the Web3D Consortium. If you believe you are getting this message in error, please contact the Executive Director at You can join the Consortium at

The message above is sent when the mailing list manager (generally the working group chair) either

  1. Has determined you are not a member of the Consortium
  2. Has not been able to determine if you are a member of the Consoritum.

If you get this message and are a member of the Consortium, please contact the Executive Director and indicate which mailing list you wish to join.

If you are not a member of the Consortium, then please join so you can participate in the discussion.