NSA/United States Naval Academy 3D Virtual Environment

3D Visualization of NSA Annapolis - Pilot Study


The purpose of this project was to develop a 3D Virtual Environment for the United States Naval Academy that enable them to understand facilities and environmental considerations to support long-term planning approaches for the sustainability and resilience of the Academy. Data and information were sourced from multiple entities as well as on-site data collection by Versar Global Solutions. Authoritative data was provided in multiple formats, resolutions, and levels of accuracy that required our team to address in order to integrate them under a unified platform.


Our team integrated over 2TB of disparate data for the 3,400-acre study area (Topography, Bathymetry, Buildings (253), Assets, and Utilities). The data was processed and transformed into a unified coordinate system and datum from their original formats. Ground truthing of remotely collected data to surveyed locations aided in registering data to real-world locations. By leveraging open-source and commercially available tools and applications, we were able process the data into interoperable formats that were then integrated into a unified X3D solution. Due to the size and scale of the operation, tiling and multiple Levels of Detail were created to allow for visualization over the web and reduce end user computational demand.
The platform offered shareholders to collaborate in a space and visualize various scenarios and solutions through a highly interactive user interface which allowed them to modify the existing conditions as well as asset management and configurations. A temporal component enabled the end user to understand the impacts of planned activities and anticipated environmental influences. The data, (native and X3D) provided to the Academy upon delivery, was formatted and configured in a way that it was highly interoperable for their select use cases and needs, which was further illustrated through the 3D printing of the Academy for display on campus.


Versar Global Solutions
NSAA/US Naval Academy
DOD (Navy NAVFAC, Army)
Naval Post Graduate School
Web3d Consortium
Cedarville Engineering
BIM Steam
Synergy Software Design

Products Used: 
X3DOM, HTML, X3D, JavaScript