NetfabbConversionIssues.txt revised 20 OCT 2017 ======================================================= 1. XML declaration: stray whitespace in XML header confuses some tools. Change to ======================================================= 2. DTD validation: no DOCTYPE found, recommend adding ======================================================= 3. X3D element: profile used is quite old, recommend using latest approved version. Also recommend adding X3D XML Schema validation. to Comprehensive information on DOCTYPE and XML Schema declarations can be found at X3D Scene Authoring Hints: Validation of X3D Scenes using DTD and XML Schema ======================================================= 4. X3D Schematron warnings and information hints: Performing X3D Schematron check... Missing X3D filename in meta tag, should appear as [/X3D/head, warning] Correct url for X3D file should appear in [/X3D/head, warning] Missing name of X3D scene author in meta tag, add [/X3D/head, info] Missing X3D scene description in meta tag, should appear as [/X3D/head, info] Recommend adding further informational meta tags. References: X3D Scene Authoring Hints: meta Statements and Metadata Nodes ======================================================= 5. Related: defined ColorRGBA values are fully transparent, making model invisible. has RGB color of red, and alpha opacity of 0 (which equals transparency 1) and is fully transparent. Thus the model will not visibly render. Recommended approach: or or