X3D Example Archives: VRML 2 Sourcebook, Chapter 06 Rotating Shapes

[1] Figure06_04bRotation45xWithAxes.x3d View shape
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Figure 06.09 Triple Asterisk 3D With Axes

Rotations can transform the orientation of a shape in any direction.

Rotation orients a coordinate system about a rotation axis by a rotation angle measured in radians. To help remember positive and negative rotation directions: open your hand, stick out your thumb, aim your thumb in an axis positive direction, and curl your fingers around the axis. The curl direction is a positive rotation.

These X3D scenes are adapted directly from the original VRML 2.0 Sourcebook chapter examples. Also available: Introduction to VRML97 SIGGRAPH98 course notes.

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Figure 06 04b Rotation 45x With Axes.x3d    
[1] Figure06_04bRotation45xWithAxes.x3d View shape
[2] Figure06_04bRotation45xWithAxes.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Figure 06 05b Rotation Minus 45x With Axes.x3d    
[3] Figure06_05bRotationMinus45xWithAxes.x3d View shape
[4] Figure06_05bRotationMinus45xWithAxes.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Figure 06 06b Rotation 45y With Axes.x3d    
[5] Figure06_06bRotation45yWithAxes.x3d View shape
[6] Figure06_06bRotation45yWithAxes.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Figure 06 07b Rotation Minus 45z With Axes.x3d    
[7] Figure06_07bRotationMinus45zWithAxes.x3d View shape
[8] Figure06_07bRotationMinus45zWithAxes.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Figure 06 08 Asterisk 3D With Axes.x3d    
[9] Figure06_08Asterisk3dWithAxes.x3d View shape
[10] Figure06_08Asterisk3dWithAxes.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Figure 06 09 Triple Asterisk 3D With Axes.x3d    
[11] Figure06_09TripleAsterisk3dWithAxes.x3d View shape
[12] Figure06_09TripleAsterisk3dWithAxes.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Figure 06 10 Simple Arch.x3d    
[13] Figure06_10SimpleArch.x3d View arch from position 0 6 16, looking downward.
[14] Figure06_10SimpleArch.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Figure 06 11 Desk Lamp Base.x3d    
[15] Figure06_11DeskLampBase.x3d View lamp base
[16] Figure06_11DeskLampBase.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

Figure 06 1 2Desk Lamp Base Two Arms.x3d    
[17] Figure06_12DeskLampBaseTwoArms.x3d View lamp base
[18] Figure06_12DeskLampBaseTwoArms.x3d (default X3D view from 0 0 10)

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